Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2 Days in the Valley...

I spent last night helping out with the dinner rush at the Deli.  It was pretty busy for a Tuesday night which was really encouraging, and I enjoyed meeting some of the deli's regular customers.  I am completely astounded by the variety of food that was sold.  The special was oven roasted chicken with dumplings and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and a slice of carrot cake.  We had sold out of chicken by closing.  But, we also had orders for fried chicken, grilled sandwiches, meatloaf dinners, Chicago Style hot dogs, hot beef and gravy over mashed potatoes, pasta salads, and more.  Although it was hectic, it still seemed to flow pretty well.

After spending some time there trying to cook and serve the customers, one of our bigger challenges is going to be space.

Time and space (relativity speaking) are incredibly interesting and challenging to think about and discuss, but there is no mystery to the realization that 500 square feet is a tiny footprint when you are trying to operate a restaurant within its confines.  The current layout does function, but I can't help think that it could be better. 

After we assume ownership we are intending to close down for about 1 week to do some deep cleaning, put some new paint on the walls, and make some minor modifications to the current build-out.  If anyone out there has some knowledge about laying out a commercial kitchen or has some design experience, and you would like to give me some pointers, I would really be appreciative.  Like, name a sandwich after you appreciative.

By the way, super kudos to anyone out there who knows the reference in the post title without having to resort to Googling it.

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